Your own custom-made
cuddly toy

Deco Element

A special door opener is often needed to
win your customers’ hearts. A custom-made
advertising cuddly toy paves the way for a
unique brand experience at a comparably low effort.
Regardless of whether you already have specific
templates or a vague idea for your special
advertising gift
, we can help you realise
your vision in plush and fabric!

Deco Element
Deco Element

Corporate advertising gifts
by Schaffer

Making advertising gifts for a wide variety of customers has already won
us many friends: Big and small, national and international. 
Here is a small
overview of selected “B2B-cuddle-highlights”:

This is how
personalisation works

You send us your<br /> <strong>templates and <br /> ideas</strong>.
You send us your
templates and
We will produce <br /> a <strong>sample</strong><br /> for you.
We will produce
a sample
for you.
After all <strong>corrections</strong><br /> have been made, give <br /> us your <strong>approval</strong>.
After all corrections
have been made, give
us your approval.
Your <strong> customised <br /> cuddly toy</strong> goes <br /> into <strong>production</strong>.
Your customised
cuddly toy
into production.
We <strong>take care of<br /> the shipping</strong> of your<br /> <strong>advertising gifts</strong>.
We take care of
the shipping
of your
advertising gifts.
Your cuddly toys<br /> <strong>will wow your customers</strong>.
Your cuddly toys
will wow your customers.
Deco Element

Send us your ideas

Everything you already know about your upcoming
advertising cuddly toy helps us to categorise the project
and design it according to your wishes: Quantity, budget, timing?
Should it be a stuffed animal or would you prefer a keychain or magnetic?
Which colours and elements from your brand identity are particularly
important to you? The more of these questions are answered,
the quicker we can start creating your fluffy advertising ambassador!

Deco Element
We can process these formats: PNG, PDF, EPS, SVG, JPG
Do you have more questions than you can answer right now? Then just ring the bell here:
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
Deco Elementt

promotional gifts with logo

Deco Elementt

A cuddly toy advertising item from our shop with your logo:
Whether it’s a cuddly toy, keychain or magnetic, there are various
options for how and where you can place your logo for every corporate
advertising item
. Find out more about all the personalisation options
and send us your individual request with just a few clicks.

Deco Elementt

fair & friendly

Schaffer’s claim, your cuddly toy & advertising
product insurance: We manage our own production in
Indonesia from our company headquarters in Karlsruhe.
Here we produce according to certified standards
under fair working conditions and with durable,
high-quality materials. Because we are convinced
that our cuddly friends only develop their true strength
when everyone has been able to put their
passion and joy into them first.

Deco Element